Thursday, March 31, 2011

A love story (also, how you know I have way too much free time at work)

Now, I am married, so you might assume that this story is about my is not.
Let me give you a little back story...
My husband recently became obsessed with NCIS. For those of you who don't know, NCIS is one of those crime drama shows, except it is about the navy investigators. I generally cannot watch crime shows because I get so invested that they give me weird dreams, but for whatever reason I started watching it with him about a month ago. That's when I saw her, the love of my life Abby...         (sorry Bif Naked)

Anyway I love her, so I was sitting at work daydreaming, and I had a psychic flash of things to come. This is pretty much exactly how it's gonna play out...

Abby's beautiful car breaks down in front of my house. (why is she in Apple Valley, no clue, I'm pretty sure the gods dropped her off there just for me :)
It is raining, and she comes to my door, soaked and asking for a phone to call a tow truck.          

I give her a towel, and a hot toddy (because I don't want her catching a chill)

Me: don't worry, I can fix your car!   (I then develop magical powers  and fix her car, and stop the rain in a matter of seconds)

***You may be asking yourself: why have you not used your wand to become a millionaire, end world hunger, or bring about peace throughout the nations? All wonderful questions.... I will give it careful consideration.

Abby: Thank you so much! how can I ever repay you?

Me: It was all in a day's work.... But would you like to go get coffee?

Abby: I love coffee, and I think I am falling in love with you...

Me: oh, the feeling is mutual! Let's get married!             (my husband has already said that he is fine with this)

Abby: Absolutely, I couldn't imagine another day without you!

We head to Vegas and get married, and everyone lives happily ever after...THE END

This is almost definitely gonna happen just this way...hopefully in the near future :)

***P.S. I know that Abby is a fictional character...that's  OK...I have made my peace with that, and I'm sure we will still be very happy!

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